
When you buy items from the Amazon links below, we get a small percentage of the sale. That helps us fund the site. And we like you a lot.

  • The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook
    The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook
    by Deb Perelman
  • Baked Elements: Our 10 Favorite Ingredients
    Baked Elements: Our 10 Favorite Ingredients
    by Matt Lewis, Renato Poliafito
  • Savory Sweet Life: 100 Simply Delicious Recipes for Every Family Occasion
    Savory Sweet Life: 100 Simply Delicious Recipes for Every Family Occasion
    by Alice Currah
  • The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food from My Frontier
    The Pioneer Woman Cooks: Food from My Frontier
    by Ree Drummond
  • Bouchon Bakery
    Bouchon Bakery
    by Thomas Keller, Sebastien Rouxel

Entries in NYC (3)


wordless wednesday | chelsea market, nyc

If you're coming to New York, a must-see visit has to include Chelsea Market. The array of vendors, restaurants, and colors will whet your appetite, and Chris & I guarantee you'll spend hours just browsing. And eating. And browsing. And hopefully eating some more.


wordless wednesday | union square greenmarket & chinatown, nyc


wordless wednesday | eataly

Chris and I took a very needed and well deserved date night into NYC. On the way to dinner at Via Emilia, one of our favorites, we stopped at Mario Batali and Joe and Lidia Bastianich's Eataly. The photos really don't do it justice. We hope to spend much more time there in the near future.