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duck meatloaf with creamed spinach and fried onion ring | The New Brooklyn Cookbook Giveaway

When the world ends, I can promise you, without hesitation, that meatloaf will have played a not insignificant role.

Like pudding and green peppers, it is a member of my unholy trinity of abominations. Just the words alone can make me nauseous. A loaf. Of Meat. As horrible as it sounds. Brown and sad, whether covered in ketchup or naked as the day it was ground, I cannot get over the horrible thought of so much ground beef. In a loaf. If it doesn’t creep you out, you have no soul.

But all that changed with The New Brooklyn Cookbook. Remember our grilled hanger steak post from this special cookbook? Yeah, it was a life changer. We make those potatoes early and often. Bordelaise? An intense silky beefy bit of love. So if The New Brooklyn Cookbook could turn our world upside down with the one-two punch of potatoes and Bordelaise, what could it do with meatloaf?

Whenever we try a new cookbook, we always pick the recipe that sounds the most challenging for our personal tastes. Rarely do we find a recipe for meatloaf. But The New Brooklyn Cookbook has a meatloaf recipe. Duck meatloaf. With duck fat added.

Now shut your mouth for just a second. Think about that. Duck. Duck fat.

How could we not love that?

Add to the meatloaf a spinach and celery root puree and top that mother with a crispy hot onion ring.

I believe. I believe in meatloaf. And we believe in The New Brooklyn Cookbook. You want this cookbook. It will change your life. We promise.

After our hanger steak post, we asked Morrow Cookbooks if they had a spare cookbook that we could give away. We love that cookbook so much, we wanted one of our readers to feel the love, too.  They kindly obliged, and of course, we love them for that (so much love).

So one of our lucky readers will receive this stunner of a cookbook, the best of what Brooklyn has to offer. And that duck meatloaf recipe? It’s all yours. Everyone else will have to wonder what kind of amazing recipe could move me from meatloaf hateration to meatloaflove. But only you will know how to make this amazing concoction of perfection.


Here’s how to win:

  • Leave a comment below telling us of a food that you used to hate but now love.
  • You have until this Wednesday at 5:00 pm Eastern to enter. We'll announce the winner later that evening

For extra entries:

Thanks, Morrow Cookbooks. You’re all shiny and nice. And your hair smells nice. And that’s not just the duck meatloaf talking.

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Reader Comments (47)

Lamb! I used to hate it. Wasn't a big fan of meatloaf either. Now I make lamb meatloaf. Go figure.

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJenniferA

Shrimp. Hated it, learned to love bc of my kids, weirdly.

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

I already follow the secret ingredient on twitter.

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLaura

Garlic - strangely enough I once never wanted to use it but I totally love it now.

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRachel

Cabbage! Hands down. My stomach would turn at the thought of it. My father used to eat the root raw and tell me how good it was, now guess what I do...Yup try to get my girls to eat raw cabbage root! Its so damn good though!

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCharcuteray

I didn't like avocados or blue cheese until i was in my early twenties. Now I love both. Thanks for the giveaway chance!

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJersey girl Cooks

I follow the secret ingredient on Twitter.

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJersey girl Cooks

I already like everybody listed, LOL!

As for a food I used to hate & now love: mollusks. I used to find them absolutely disgusting. And then, I got pregnant with my first child, suddenly I was having massive cravings in the middle of the night for them (and for just about anything that came forth from the sea)... My oldest son, he has never been a picky eater ;)

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMicaela


March 28, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersharona

I like The Secret Ingredient on FB

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersharona

I like The Peche on FB

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersharona

Just about any vegetable. I mean, who could like things like Brussels sprouts and cauliflower steamed to death? Ugh. Then I discovered roasting. Which definitely existed when I was growing up, but I have no idea why no one ever did it. I'm known to just eat a giant bowl of roasted Brussels sprouts for dinner. The one veggie I have never and will likely never learn to love is asparagus. Hate it with a passion, despite many efforts to find a way to cook it to my liking. Bleh bleh bleh.

And I already follow The Secret Ingredient on FB.

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSheri

I hated crab cakes, but I was introduced to a great recipe via my aunt, and now I crave them.

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTimeeka

I learned at age 37 that I like fish. Including but not limited to salmon and sushi. Yep. When I was a tortured child in catholic school, I asked Sister Mary if the fish I had to eat every friday was fish, like fish from the sea. Sister Mary looked at me with her big round cookie face and rosie cheeks and told me "Oh ho ho oh" (like Santa Claus) "No, this fish isn't fish like fish from the sea". So I believed her. I was 6, and it made sense at the time. Then I found out it was fish, like fish from the sea. GROSS! And that was it, for 30 years, I wouldn't touch the stuff. I went to London and couldn't even have their signature dish! Until one day last year, I tried, and loved, lobster. Then I tried and loved even more ... sushi! I went right to the raw stuff! That opened the flood gates, catfish, tilipia, mako shark,monkfish, swordfish, tuna, clams (okay that's shell fish), In fact, tonight I sat with an aperitif of smoked salmon and a glass of Chard from Argentina. Screw you Sister Mary!

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKathleen

I used to haaaaate H.A.T.E. super-duper-hate: eggplant. And then one day, out of nowhere (and definitely NOT pregnant) I was CRAVING it. Then I liked it, hah.

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCathy

I hated mushrooms until I went to college and realized they didn't have to come from a can or in cream of mushroom soup.
I follow and like everything you tell me to:)

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterspeechmom

I hate bell peppers. Every color. Just can't stand them. If they are anywhere near my food, it's ruined. Can't get over it.. (PS I like everyone and everything you like, so now like & follow everyone/thing you've recommended.)

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMrsWheelbarrow

I love duck! Love it. And the more fat, the better. This sounds delicious to me! Food I used to dislike and now love? Ginger. I liked it in sweet things, but I never liked it in savoury dishes, stir fries and such. But I've become a huge ginger fan now, buying it even when I don't have a recipe to use it for, in the hopes that I can find one!

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfooddreamer

There was a time when I didn't appreciate blue cheese. That was very sad, in retrospect.

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMir

Oddly enough, duck. I was convinved I hated it - until I had the duck poutine at a restaurant here. The fries were cooked in duck fat, covered in duck gravy and topped with shredded duck.

I was sold. Happily happily sold and smitten.

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAdryon

Anything I used to hate foodwise, I still do including meatloaf. I can't stand hamburger meat baked. In a meat loaf, tourtiere, shepherds pie etc. I'm not entering the contest because someone with such a boring palette as mine has no business owning such a wonderful book and it should definitely go to someone who would truly appreciate and make good use of it.
Just wanted to stop by, read your post and admire the photograph. Your meatloaf does look wonderful by the way ;)

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPaula

I used to ate blueberries because I got very sick after eating them...but now I put them in to almost everything. I think I'm making up for lost time!

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterElana

I used to hate salami, mostly because my dad (who packed my lunch as a kid) made me nothing but salami sandwiches on whole wheat for an entire month. No mustard. No butter. Just a couple of slices of salami, and cheap whole wheat Wonderbread. Gag.
I still get squicked out by cheap deli-counter salami, but I've since discovered that there are many other kinds of salami out there that are nothing like my childhood nemesis. In face, some of them are downright gorgeous... like the house-made blueberry-bison salami at The Black Hoof in Toronto. I would go to hell and back for some of that.

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIsabelle

Also, I'm now following The Secret Ingredient.

(and also, I feel the need to defend meatloaf, which is a lovely and comforting dish that simply has the misfortune of being often overcooked and underseasoned and generally abused... poor, poor meatloaf)

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIsabelle

Well, I've long been convinced I didn't like duck. But then I had fries cooked in duck fat, and I REALLY liked does that count???

March 29, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKaren
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