duck meatloaf with creamed spinach and fried onion ring | The New Brooklyn Cookbook Giveaway
Monday, March 28, 2011 at 8:00PM

When the world ends, I can promise you, without hesitation, that meatloaf will have played a not insignificant role.

Like pudding and green peppers, it is a member of my unholy trinity of abominations. Just the words alone can make me nauseous. A loaf. Of Meat. As horrible as it sounds. Brown and sad, whether covered in ketchup or naked as the day it was ground, I cannot get over the horrible thought of so much ground beef. In a loaf. If it doesn’t creep you out, you have no soul.

But all that changed with The New Brooklyn Cookbook. Remember our grilled hanger steak post from this special cookbook? Yeah, it was a life changer. We make those potatoes early and often. Bordelaise? An intense silky beefy bit of love. So if The New Brooklyn Cookbook could turn our world upside down with the one-two punch of potatoes and Bordelaise, what could it do with meatloaf?

Whenever we try a new cookbook, we always pick the recipe that sounds the most challenging for our personal tastes. Rarely do we find a recipe for meatloaf. But The New Brooklyn Cookbook has a meatloaf recipe. Duck meatloaf. With duck fat added.

Now shut your mouth for just a second. Think about that. Duck. Duck fat.

How could we not love that?

Add to the meatloaf a spinach and celery root puree and top that mother with a crispy hot onion ring.

I believe. I believe in meatloaf. And we believe in The New Brooklyn Cookbook. You want this cookbook. It will change your life. We promise.

After our hanger steak post, we asked Morrow Cookbooks if they had a spare cookbook that we could give away. We love that cookbook so much, we wanted one of our readers to feel the love, too.  They kindly obliged, and of course, we love them for that (so much love).

So one of our lucky readers will receive this stunner of a cookbook, the best of what Brooklyn has to offer. And that duck meatloaf recipe? It’s all yours. Everyone else will have to wonder what kind of amazing recipe could move me from meatloaf hateration to meatloaflove. But only you will know how to make this amazing concoction of perfection.


Here’s how to win:

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Thanks, Morrow Cookbooks. You’re all shiny and nice. And your hair smells nice. And that’s not just the duck meatloaf talking.

Article originally appeared on the peche (
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