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Scratch Baking - Milford, CT | And our favorite garlic bread recipe

A bread pudding muffin. Incredible caramelization, crunchy on the outside, moist inside. All around perfect.
On Sunday, we packed the kids in the van and drove up to Milford, CT, to visit our own personal baking hero. Lesli Flick opened up her store, Scratch Baking, late in 2010. If you've read our post about Lesli's brownies (which really are the best brownies ever), you know that we are already huge fans of hers. We figured it was time to meet her and taste her creations.

We stepped into her charming store, with the counters to the right filled with shiny brown baked goods, and spotted her right away. The kitchen is open to the rest of the store, so you can see everyone hard at work baking and creating. We introduced ourselves, the kids, and Lesli immediately came around from behind the counter to talk with us. Really, it was like we were old friends, that's how warm and welcoming she is. She stopped to talk with each one of our kids (who were losing their minds trying to be patient, waiting for their mid-morning snack).

Here's the thing about bakeries...sometimes what they're selling looks better than how it all tastes. Not so with Scratch Baking. Lesli and her team are pumping out muffins, bars, scones, cookies, and breads that taste even better than they look, and they look eye-poppingly good.

If you ever find yourself anywhere near Milford, you must stop at Scratch Baking. Or if you're like us, and live in NJ, throw the kids in the car and make the drive. It really is worth it.

Scratch Baking
58 River St, Milford, CT (right by the train station)

Ciabatta cooling

Flaky apple bar, not too sweet - just the way we like them


Cream cheese brownie, which our kids devoured


Lesli Flick, our new friend.

Lesli slipped us one of the fresh ciabattas. We are suckers for garlic bread, so when we got home, we used part of the loaf to test out a new garlic bread recipe. This is a must-make.  

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  • Response
    The tasty recipe baking in scratch baking Milford is lured me and am getting water in my mouth after saw the photos and narration of the recipe i like garlic bread its taste gives me immense pleasure the cream cheese brownies will like by my children.

Reader Comments (20)

How exciting for Lesli and how nice of you to make the drive to meet and see her lovely new bakery. Your photographs of her baked goods are lovely, so vivid! The one of the cream puffs has resulted in some serious cravings happening with this reader. Best wishes from Canada for a very successful CT. bakery business!

March 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPaula

Whoa, Nellie, that apple bar thing...I want to rumba with that. Gorgeous.

March 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLisa

I'd probably have trouble controlling myself too if I was staring at all of those yummy treats. Looks like you had a lovely day at Scratch Baking.

March 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLa Phemme Phoodie

Wow, you came to my home state this time! :) We're down in the Milford area a lot in the summer--will definitely have to check out Scratch Baking the next time we're down that way!

March 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpoet in the pantry

This looks like my kind of bakery. What a fun trip!

March 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterShaina

Glad you featured this place, because E and I can totally stop there on our way back from weekend trips to Jersey.

you are KILLING ME here with all this buttery, sugary goodness this early in the morning - i'm whining and stomping my feet here because 'ALL THE COOL KIDS HAVE WONDERFUL BAKERIES AND STORES AND FOOD WITHIN DRIVING DISTANCE!' and no, whining did not make me feel better . . . we really must move . . . sigh . . . well done Pechie & Mrs. DeWinter!! (and you really are the cool kids!)

March 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSMITH BITES

you guys are awesome.. thank you from the Scratch Baking Team!!! hope to see you guys soon.. it is beautiful here in the summer ;)

March 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLesli

Lesli, we are huge fans of yours. We'll see you soon.

March 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Peche

I have been devouring much of the east coast bakery scene lately and I can tell you all that, outside Bouchon in New York City and Flour in Boston, Scratch is the finest bakery in the entire northeast. Lesli is an astoundingly principled and subtle baker; this critic recommends the banana cream pie, it is as light as it is creamy and fresh. Also try her decadent jammers and classic biscotti.

March 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNYC foodie

NYC foodie - you just made my day. thank you! -lesli

March 18, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLesli

I love whole grain bread and the rassberry tarts. Just Fabulous!

March 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFrank

Lesli After tasting your pastries and bread I will never go anywhere else. Everything is so fresh and tasty and not too sweet. Also you take the time from your busy day to talk to your customers. I feel like I have known you for years.
You are such a nice person. What a plus for Milford, Ct.

March 20, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

thank you steve. that means so much to me.

March 21, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLesli

Everything looks so scrumptious. My mouth is watering. Beautiful photos. Now I'm headed over to the garlic bread recipe...I can almost smell it's deliciousness.

March 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNancy @SensitivePantry

Dear Lesli,
So wonderful to read and see all your extraordinary delicacies. I wish you all the good fortune and success you deserve.
I hope to come up and see you soon and taste them for may never get rid of me :)

March 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaria P.

Took a trip down there today based on your recommendation, Everything we got was amazing. The brie and artichoke tart didn't even make it to the car. The crust was just buttery goodness.

March 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKelly

again i just want to thank you all for such wonderful feedback.. the support is tremendous.. and means so much to us. thank you!
scratch baking, milford ct

March 28, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLesli

Wow - I wish I lived closer. Everything looks so delicious!

May 27, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbrandi

I live in Milford! I've gotta check out this shop :)

August 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEmily

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