Scratch Baking - Milford, CT | And our favorite garlic bread recipe
Wednesday, March 16, 2011 at 8:00PM

A bread pudding muffin. Incredible caramelization, crunchy on the outside, moist inside. All around perfect.
On Sunday, we packed the kids in the van and drove up to Milford, CT, to visit our own personal baking hero. Lesli Flick opened up her store, Scratch Baking, late in 2010. If you've read our post about Lesli's brownies (which really are the best brownies ever), you know that we are already huge fans of hers. We figured it was time to meet her and taste her creations.

We stepped into her charming store, with the counters to the right filled with shiny brown baked goods, and spotted her right away. The kitchen is open to the rest of the store, so you can see everyone hard at work baking and creating. We introduced ourselves, the kids, and Lesli immediately came around from behind the counter to talk with us. Really, it was like we were old friends, that's how warm and welcoming she is. She stopped to talk with each one of our kids (who were losing their minds trying to be patient, waiting for their mid-morning snack).

Here's the thing about bakeries...sometimes what they're selling looks better than how it all tastes. Not so with Scratch Baking. Lesli and her team are pumping out muffins, bars, scones, cookies, and breads that taste even better than they look, and they look eye-poppingly good.

If you ever find yourself anywhere near Milford, you must stop at Scratch Baking. Or if you're like us, and live in NJ, throw the kids in the car and make the drive. It really is worth it.

Scratch Baking
58 River St, Milford, CT (right by the train station)

Ciabatta cooling

Flaky apple bar, not too sweet - just the way we like them


Cream cheese brownie, which our kids devoured


Lesli Flick, our new friend.

Lesli slipped us one of the fresh ciabattas. We are suckers for garlic bread, so when we got home, we used part of the loaf to test out a new garlic bread recipe. This is a must-make.  

Article originally appeared on the peche (
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