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Entries in Rakna (1)


s'mores bars (via The Hungry Mouse)

A few months ago, our friend, Kelly (aka) “Rakna,” posted a note on my Facebook page that said, “You must make these. TO DIE FOR!!!!”

Now, we love Rakna. Adore her. 

We have been attacked by monkeys with her at the Batu Caves outside Kuala Lumpur. 

We watched her eat giant meat kabobs in Sydney (Massive. Obscene, almost). 

We watched her skip through the Imperial Gardens in Tokyo because of delirious sleep exhaustion (we have video and are prepared to use it against her if needed). 

So if Rakna says something must be made, then it must be made.

Of course, she was right. These s’mores bars from The Hungry Mouse are perfect. Indulgent, substantial, delicate. Exactly like campfire s’mores, but every bite has exactly the right mix of chocolate, marsmallow, and graham cracker crust.

This is a fantastically easy recipe to make. You just need a mixer for the crust. Smash half of the dough by hand into the bottom of the 9x13 pan. Place on top of the unbaked crust a layer of chocolate and one of marshmallow fluff. And then a top layer of dough crust.

shortcut (lazy)

I've made these twice now, but I took a shortcut last week. My mom and I made the s'mores bars together for a Labor Day family gathering of 40+ people, and most had never seen our children. So it was a big deal. I decided to make the s'mores bars the night before, just after my mom had cleaned the kitchen for the evening. Mom agreed to help me, but I knew I couldn’t make a mess for us to clean up. 

The top crust layer is to be rolled out, then pieced together (great pics of this procedure over at The Hungry Mouse). The first time I made them, I rolled as told. But this time, I wanted to minimize the mess. I took a chance and sprinkled on the top layer dough, then pressed the pieces together. No rolling. Sprinkling and artful smashing. Fingers crossed...

And it worked. The top layer is much more delicate than the rolled version, which is great for eating, but not so great when stacking them on a platter for presentation. Don’t stack these. Just eat them.

So, thanks to Rakna for the spot on recommendation. You can read the blog she maintains with friends, My Mom Genes. She’s always right. About everything. Except meat skewers.

And be sure to visit The Hungry Mouse for more awesomeness.

recipe |
s’mores bars via The Hungry Mouse