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Entries in peanut butter cream pie (1)


Peanut Butter Cream Pie with Chocolate Whipped Cream, Caramel, and Deep Dark Fudge (via Evil Shenanigans) | Pie Month

This is the 4th entry in our Month of Pie. Pie Month is a celebration of things we love. Because life is hard, and there should always be more pie. Have a look at the other entries. Really. 
Let’s cut the preamble/heart-touching story/soul searching intro...

Make this pie. Make it now. Get out your shopping list and go to the store and do not stop baking, stirring, and whisking until you can shove this pie in your mouth.

This is pie that makes you jump up and down. This is pie that makes start texting the neighbors that you have pie tonight to share. This is pie for the ages. 

[If you’re allergic to peanuts or dairy, move along. Nothing to see here.]

This pie knows exactly what its job punch you in the face with its awesomeness. To demand respect for its creamy peanut butter center and fluffy “that’s so good, it almost taste like ice cream” topping. To lightly tickle your tongue with the crunch of graham crackers mixed with the addition of deep fudge and sweet, deep caramel. To be as light as air that not having a second piece would be considered ridiculous, if not downright offensive.

This is pie. Dammit.

The brilliance behind this pie for the ages is Kelly at Evil Shenanigans. I’m pleased to call her our friend, if we’ve only ever met on Twitter and Skype. Kelly is just one of the best things going on a food blog. Smart advice, great recipes, and chock full of funny. And she’s got herself a brand-new book deal, which is so richly deserved. Especially considering this pie.

Here’s what we did to Kelly’s pie, with her blessing, to make it our own.
  • We made a caramel sauce and added a thin layer right on top of the crust after it had cooled. Not even ¼ of a cup. 
  • We added a touch (a lot) of caramel to the top of the pie as we served it.
  • And we had some deep dark fudge sauce lying around (as one should), and added a bit of that on top. Just make sure the fudge and caramel aren't hot when you add them to the whipped cream topping (you will melt it and have a big pool of sad).
This is pie, friends. This is pie.

recipe | Peanut Butter Cream Pie with Chocolate Whipped Cream (via Evil Shenanigans) 
Make your own caramel and fudge sauce. Or buy some. We're not judging.