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Dorie Greenspan's CookieBarNYC


I met a new food hero this week.

Dorie Greenspan has come to NYC with her son, Josh, to open up her pop-up cookie shop, CookieBarNYC. This is the second year in a row for the week-long shop hosted inside Mizu Salon at 505 Park Avenue, between 59th & 60th

When our friend, Gail of One Tough Cookie, saw that Dorie was coming to town, she volunteered the three of us to organize a blogger gathering to celebrate Dorie and her cookies. A similar meet up happened last year, apparently, but Karen and I weren't in the know about the shindig, so we missed out. Not so this year. This Friday, February 11, from 12-2, bloggers (and the people who love them), should swing by Mizu to meet Dorie and Josh, buy up batches of cookies, and get kisses from Gail (she's not quite the dangerous woman she plays on Twitter).

But here's the many bloggers gush over Dorie. They love her. They really love her. They love her so much, that our skeptical selves kick into high gear. Can anyone be all that wonderful? Even a prolific, talented cookbook author such as Dorie? Our friend, Mardi, from eat. live. travel. write.,  is nearly beside herself (in the best way possible) that she can't attend the CookieBarNYC event. How could anyone, even Dorie, deserve those kinds of emotions.

So I walked into Mizu Salon expecting for my skepticism to be confirmed. I waited in line behind a few people who were chatting up Dorie and Josh, who stood smartly behind their cookies. I snapped a few pictures on my iPhone. Dorie caught my eye and said, "Hi!" Like she knew me. The skepticism melted a tiny bit. I stood quietly by, taking a few more pictures, waiting my turn. And suddenly, it was just Dorie and I looking at each other. What to say? "Hi. I'm Chris. Uh. From The Peche" (which sounds ridiculous when spoken). Dorie paused for a moment. Then she took a step toward me. Opened up her arms.

And she gave me a giant hug. 

And the skepticism started melting quickly.
I don't think I can recall all of our conversation. We talked cookies, yes, and the blogger gathering. Josh chimed in and was as kind and gracious as his mother. I chose one of every cookie. Dorie packed them herself. She knew about our Month of Pies. She conferred with Josh about the math needed to determine the change I was due (she was far more interested in talking than doing the calculation). She said she was glad that Karen and I blog together. She said she was looking forward to Friday and meeting "all the wonderful bloggers." I left after talking with her for 10 minutes. And I felt like I was walking on air down Park Avenue. 
I get it. I get why people are so excited about Dorie. She is pure joy, without any sugary aftertaste. She is hope and happiness and a whole lot of peace all mixed together. If you've heard about the woman who travels around the world with giant crowds waiting for her, giving hugs as a blessing, well, Dorie is just like that. Hugs as a blessing. And her cookies are perfect.
When I came home, the kids wanted to know what was in the bag. I grabbed the copy of Dorie's Baking that I picked up from the library this past weekend (Dorie said most of the CookieBarNYC cookies come from that book, so buy it), and Karen and I sat down with the kids in our tiny kitchen. I showed them the picture of the woman who made them cookies. Our son jumped up and said, "I'm going to make a picture for Dorie to say thank you for the cookies." And with that, our kids ran from the room to grab their crayons and chalk.
On Friday, I'll see Dorie again and give her the pictures the kids made. 
To say thank you.


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Reader Comments (21)


February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMardi @eatlivetravelwrite

and that my dear is "my Dorie" in a nutshell. She is that wonderful, warm, special human being who you feel like you've known forever...and will.

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterparisgirl

What a lovely post about Dorie. Perhaps one day I will have the pleasure of meeting her at one of her book signings or at her cookie bar!
I have no doubt that she gave you a big hug. Yes, because she is a wonderful gracious lady but also because she knows a wonderful person when she meets one too!

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPaula

Consider me jealous--on both the cookie and hug fronts.

And look! You have yet to raise little monsters. Better get on that and fast.

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBaking Barrister

That's lovely to hear. I mentioned Dorie in a tweet about being thrilled to get her baking book for Christmas after Joanne Chang recommended it at an event for her book Flour. Then I was beyond thrilled when Dorie mentioned @bakingwithc on her next #FF. I had a similar experience meeting Joanne. She was so nice and gracious, and I was a bit starstruck.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCarter's Mom

Can I say that I LOVE the fuss being made over the humble cookie with this popup concept? Because I do--it's delightfully anti-trend.

Dorie truly sounds amazing--if I baked with any regularity I'd run out and get that book right away, but as it is I'll just enjoy these gorgeous pictures.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterthemanhattanfoodproject

I am so touched by what you've written and that your children drew pictures is beyond, beyond.

It was great to meet you and I'm so looking forward to seeing you and the band of merry bloggers on Friday.


February 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdorie

I am now right there with Mardi in being beside myself with regret that I can't get to NYC for the blogger meet up with Dorie. Color me sad.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWendi @ Bon Appetit Hon

LOVE! <3 I so want to go for the blogger meet up Friday. Do you think I could get a 3.5 and 5.5 year old to behave long enough to get from NW CT to NYC and back? ;)

Glad to hear you had such a great experience!

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Poet Herself

Yes, you've captured the essence of Dorie right here in this post - she is as wonderful as you say she is and more. i was fortunate to meet her in San Francisco last October at BlogHer Food and as you said, she opened her arms wide and hugged me like we were old friends. awesome. Dorie Greenspan is just plain awesome.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSMITH BITES

I'm planning the #CookieBarNYCPP right now!!!

I think I need that book ASAP.a

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbreadandputter

How EXCITING! She sounds so neat. I'm definitely going to have to get that book.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRosy


February 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersippitysup

I could feel myself waiting in line with you, the anticipation building of what to say.
I hope you'll post the pictures your kids drew once Dorie gets to see them of course.
Have fun Friday, I'll have a pity party of one here by myself.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertastesbetterwithfriends

I adore Dorie and I am sad I am missing out on the CookieBar. I was in NYC a few weeks ago and met up with Dorie-her hugs are the best! Eat a cookie for me:)

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMaria

Dorie and I have never met in person. But we met long ago in the pages of Bon Appetit, stayed in close touch through Paris Sweets, Baking with Julie and Baking and now...we're becoming even closer as I read and use and love Around My French Table.

Though stuck in the tundra of the blogging world (ie mid country) I can attest to Dorie's hugs. She is accessible, warm and friendly without having met and each time we interact it feels like a hug.

I still can't wait for the day that we convince her to enjoy the beauty of the Rocky Mountains and schedule an event in our fair city; til then thanks for letting me live vicariously through you, Chris and Karen!

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBarbara | VinoLuciStyle

I'm torn between squeeing at the sheer cuteness and wallowing in bitter, bitter envy. At the moment, squeeing is winning.
Seriously. So. Much. SQUEEEEEE.
And now that I've gotten that out of my system, I'm going to wallow for a while.

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterIsabelle

what do the kids say these days...? EPIC!!

now i'm pretty sure i'll be there on Friday barring any weather related incidents. thanks for organizing!

February 9, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersweetsbysillianah

You're so lucky to have had the opportunity to meet Dorie!
I would have loved to go, but I did the next best thing. I made, to the best of my ability(!) her Jammers. I'm sure her's are over the top but I have to say...mine version was amazing!
Thanks for sharing.

February 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSusan

The cookies look fantastic! And how neat is it that you got to meet Dorie in person. Your son is so sweet. Lovely story. Thanks for sharing.

February 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlaxsupermom

Events like meeting Dorie....surely one of the perks of living in the city. Love my country lifestyle, but every once in the while it would be fun to hob-nob with the food heros. How exciting!

March 1, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJoyce Pinson

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