Carrot Cake Pancakes with Fresh Pineapple & Toasted Coconut Butter Made with Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter

Kerrygold is a company we love with big hearts. We are (un)patiently waiting for them to launch their #Butterlove t-shirt. They played a key role in all of our Pity Parties (congratulations if you have no idea what those are). They’ve invited us to a little St. Patrick’s Day get together in NYC earlier this year. The food was spectacular, and Karen walked out of there with a laundry basket full (not exactly true) of cheese and butter, including a preview of two new butters they were testing. We may have also harassed their representative who showed up at Big Summer Potluck, attempting to force him to hand over his leftover cheese from earlier in the day. He said there wasn’t any left. We maybe called him horrible names, but we said it out of love.
So when Kerrygold contacted us and said they wanted to send, for free, those two butters we tried earlier this year, we said, “Yes and yes.” When they said that we could win $1500 if we came up with a super incredible way to use their butters, we wept silent tears of butter joy. Then they said a bunch of other bloggers are getting the very same butters and the chance to win the cash. Will we win? Probably not, but we did get free butter. And free Kerrygold butter = winning.
Our first entry into the Thunderdome of ButterLove is Fresh Pineapple and Toasted Coconut Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter served over Carrot Cake pancakes.
First, how we got to the compound butter concoction. We love carrot cake pancakes from The Bongo Room in Chicago. We’ve tried several recipes over the years to see if we could approximate the Sunday morning guilty pleasures we used to enjoy more than 10 years ago. Nothing was quite right, usually because the pineapple caramelized too far into charred territory.
What we craved was fresh and bright pineapple playing against the deep roasted coconut flavor that’s in our favorite carrot cake recipe. What better to hold it all together than Kerrygold’s Reduced Fat Butter? Even if we weren’t in a competition, we’d tell you this butter tastes like full fat, so rich and creamy that it feels a little naughty going in for another knife dip or twelve into the butter tub. But with 25% less fat than regular butter and 50% less sodium, we weren’t missing a single calorie or bit of salt (OK, we wouldn't say it like that if we weren't in a contest. We would say, "The butter tastes really good, and it's got less fat in it. Which means you can use the amount you really want to use on top of those pancakes because KG figured out how to reduce the calories and still make it taste good"). Sometimes you want to indulge, and Sunday morning is the perfect time for us to enjoy the things we love the most. Not having to feel guilty after breakfast gives us another reason to love Kerrygold.

The combination of the hot carrot cake pancakes, warm maple syrup, and the pineapple coconut butter was just the best damn way to start a Sunday. Our kids laughing, syrup in the girls’ hair as it hung down in their eyes, their noses an inch away from the pancakes. Our son asking if anyone had more pineapple to share. The butter melting down into every bite.
Perfect. And no regrets.
Just a lot of happy.
Pineapple & Toasted Coconut Butter Made with Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter
4 tablespoons sweetened shredded coconut
4 tablespoons diced fresh pineapple
½ cup Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter
4 tablespoons diced fresh pineapple
½ cup Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter
First, toast the coconut. Heat your oven to 350. Spread the coconut out into a single layer on a baking sheet. Roast for 3-5 minutes or until golden brown. Watch the coconut carefully. It’s a matter of seconds between happiness and burnt dreams.
Let the coconut cool. Dice the pineapple.
In a small bowl, combine the cooled coconut, diced pineapple, and Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter. With the back of a large spoon, press the ingredients together until combined. Refrigerate until ready to use. Our butter lasted three days refrigerated. Then it was gone.
Carrot Cake Pancakes adapted from Macheesmo
2 cups all-purpose whole wheat flour (you can substitute white flour if that’s all you have)
3 tablespoons brown sugar
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon baking soda
1 tablespoon ground ginger
1 ½ tablespoons cinnamon
¾ teaspoon nutmeg
¾ teaspoon ground cloves
2 cups carrots, grated (we did super tiny shreds on our box grater)
2 large eggs
1 ¼ cups milk
¼ cup unsalted butter, melted (use regular Kerrygold here, as the two new butters aren't meant for baking)
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
An additional 2 tablespoons unsalted butter for frying pancakes. We used regular Kerrygold here.
Maple syrup
Pineapple & Toasted Coconut Butter Made with Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter (recipe above)
Maple syrup
Pineapple & Toasted Coconut Butter Made with Kerrygold Reduced Fat Butter (recipe above)
In a large bowl, mix together all dry ingredients, plus the carrots.
In a medium bowl, add the eggs, milk, melted butter and vanilla. Whisk until combined.
Pour the egg and milk mixture into the dry ingredients. Stir until just combined.
Heat a griddle over medium high heat. Melt the extra 2 tablespoons of butter. Now, pancake size is a very personal choice, and we are not here to judge you. Cook your pancake until golden brown. Telling you to flip your pancake over seems both obvious and condescending, so do what feels right to you if you want to cook both sides.
Serve your pancakes with maple syrup and a mountain of that butter.
carrot cake,

Reader Comments (17)
LOVE. And now I want maple syrup in my hair, too. Wait, that's not right....
Yes please! You know, if you make these again, I can be over in 15. :)
Chris, any time you want.
Kathy, why do I think your pancake eating usually results in syrup in your hair?
I want my mouth kicked around the block, heck give me an extra helping of these amazing pancakes with that fantastic butter recipe and you can kick my entire full and happily pancake stuffed body around the entire neighbourhood.
I loved everything about this post! Good luck with the contest. Even if you don't win...Kerrygold should choose your pancake nose-sniffing, hair dripping with syrup Kerrygold butter loving family to do a commercial with the winning butter recipe.
Wow! These carrot cake pancakes look and sound like heaven! Reading the recipe just now made me so hungry. If it weren't midnight, I'd start making this right now. I'm going to try this one soon for my family. Thanks for sharing!
Oh yes...these are RIGHT up my alley! I'll be making them this week. But I think you might be overestimating the ability of your readers...I feel like I really need your guidance on the flipping thing. I don't want to mess these up!!
Oh. My. God.
You know I keep a big bag of my own gluten-free mixture in the fridge to mix up on the weekends. I've done banana and I've done apple; I've even done pumpkin and pineapple. But NEVER did it occur to me to make it a carrot cake, and NOW I must have it. This weekend I shall. Nom.
Alyssa, we believe in you! Flip it!!!
Mir, these pancakes are full of joy. I bet your gluten-free version will make you cry tears if happy.
I love KerryGold. I love this butter. I love you guys. But dammit, you are so totally going to win, not me. I have no creative ideas like this, it would seem. Well played.
You're the competition? Oh, forget it! You've got this in the bag! ;)
Love the sound of your combination! And carrot cake pancakes? Yum!
I like how generously unpatronizing you are of your readers, assuming that they know to turn a pancake. I've often wondered how to say "don't despise me for being Captain Obvious, I just want to make sure we're all on the same page here" and there you've done it very nicely.
The pancakes and butter sound very tasty and autumnal. I hope y'all win.
Oh my goodness, these looks like the best thing ever! My partner loves all things carrot cake and his birthday is coming up, and I think some carrot cake pancakes are in order!
This is one heavenly breakfast!
My dad loves carrot cake. I bet he would really enjoy these!
I'm with Mir!, Gluten-free version would be fantastic. Have been trying to figure out a way to get my daughter to eat carrots, pancakes, it's what's for dinner tonight!